Manure Spill Training Day
Jul 17, 2019 | 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

Date(s) - July 17, 2019
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
The Blanchard River Demonstration Farms Network is holding a Manure Spill Training Day. This training is for farmers, manure applicators and any organization/government agency that is potentially involved with a manure discharge or spill. The event is free and lunch will be provided. Registration is required.
9:30 a.m. Registration
10 a.m. Welcome — Aaron Heilers, Blanchard River Demonstration Farms
10:15 a.m. Who’s In Charge? — Terry Mescher, Ohio Department of Agriculture Review of Rules and Authorities of Government Agencies
10:45 a.m. What’s The Plan? — Frances Springer, Ohio Department of Agriculture
Preventative Steps to Take to Avoid a Discharge
- Development of nutrient management plan
- Tools for capturing weather forecasts
- Determining appropriate application rates based on site conditions
11:30 a.m. Lunch and travel to Edge of Field site
4291 Township Road 117
McComb, OH 45858
12 p.m. How Many Nutrients Are We Losing? — Aaron Heilers, Blanchard River Demonstration Farms
Latest Results of Statewide Monitoring Network
12:30 p.m. How Do You Stop A Discharge? — Matt Heckler, Mercer SWCD
In-field Demonstrations of Remediating Manure Discharges
- In channel aeration
- Damming stream and/or surface flow in field
- Use of tile plug and pump out pits from tile
2 p.m. Can We Make Manure Less Risky? — Theresa Dirksen, Ag Solutions
View Manure Separation Technology at Stateler Farm headquarters
(Optional for biosecurity reasons)
3 p.m. Adjourn