Date(s) - May 25, 2016
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm


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Called plasticulture strawberry production, the method is an increasingly popular technique in which strawberries are planted in September and grown over the winter using plastic to keep the soil warm and suppress weed growth.

The method results in larger, sweeter berries during an earlier harvest period, according to the results of an OSU Extension research trial conducted by Brad Bergefurd, who is based at The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon.

The workshop, which will be hosted by Bergefurd, will include discussion on:

Winter protection techniques
Israeli drip irrigation demonstration and management
Fertigation and nitrogen management
Row cover management
June-bearing, day-neutral, ever-bearing cultivar evaluations
Pest and disease control
Integrated pest management (IPM) techniques
Petiole sap analysis demonstration

Registration is $20, which includes a light meal and educational handouts.

For registration, contact Charissa Gardner at 740-289-2071, ext. 132. The deadline to register is May 23.