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There’s exciting news in my house, and I can’t wait to share it with you. So I’ll let you take…
Read MoreRaffle tickets are $25 each with all proceeds supporting each county’s impact funds to support programming and events that will expand and grow agriculture’s footprint in the county.
Northeast Counties Farm Bureaus, which include Ashtabula, Geauga, Lake, and Trumbull County Farm Bureaus, kicked off their Annual Gun Raffle through the Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation.
Raffle tickets are $25 each with all proceeds supporting each county’s impact funds to support programming and events that will expand and grow agriculture’s footprint in the county and encourage youth development in agriculture.
A maximum of 1,000 tickets will be sold. Ticket sales will be ongoing until Aug. 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. or until all 1,000 tickets have been sold, whichever occurs first.
Winners will be drawn every Friday in September using the Ohio Pick 3 evening draw, with a special Labor Day “Farmers” draw using the Ohio Pick 3 Evening Draw.
September 1 American Tactical Inc, O/U 12 GA
September 4 Henry Golden Boy 22LR, American Farmer Tribute Edition
September 8 Smith & Wesson 686 Plus 357
September 15 Henry Lever .410 Side Gate Lever-Action
September 22 Ruger 450 Bushmaster
September 29 FN 509 Edge 9mm
* Guns subject to change due to inventory, etc. Will be replaced with guns of equal or higher value.
Winners need not be present to win. Prize winners must be at least 21 years of age to win a handgun. If a prize winner does not meet applicable age or background requirements or transferring the firearm to the prize winner would violate any applicable law, the equivalent cash prize will be substituted and awarded in place of the firearm.
Tickets can be purchased through county Farm Bureau staff and board members, and by calling the office at 440.426.2195.
The raffle is created, administered, sponsored, promoted, and operated in all respects in strict compliance with all federal, state, local, and foreign laws.
Due to postal regulations, raffle ticket stubs cannot be mailed. When an order is placed online or over the phone, an authorized representative from the OFB Foundation will complete the ticket by filling in the name, address, and phone number provided and will ensure the raffle ticket is entered in the drawing.
Ticket stubs will be available for pick up at the county Farm Bureau office at 8460 Ridge Road, North Royalton, OH 44133, or by appointment in the county.
Download 2023 Gun Raffle Flyer
There’s exciting news in my house, and I can’t wait to share it with you. So I’ll let you take…
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