Butler County Fair Farm Zone

The Farm Zone Agricultural Education Exhibit is a great place for KIDS!  Be sure to visit us at the Butler County Fair  – we have exciting activities and special events every day of the week.  Butler County’s Farm Zone building is open every day: 

Sunday, July 20 through Saturday, July 26

11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sunday to Friday

11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday. 

Special event activities occur from 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday to Friday.

This special area, where kids can experience life on a farm by picking produce and milking a pretend cow, is always a favorite!  Kids of all ages will have fun trying new things in the Farm Zone at the Butler County Fair.

Visit the Butler County Farm Bureau Booth as we are planning to have eggs hatching if everything goes to plan. Check out our new “Who is a Farmer?” display as we will have brief descriptions and pictures of nine different Butler County farms. Sunday is Farm Bureau Day in the building.   

Check back early summer for more details

Click here for daily schedule



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