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Smaller farms can benefit from CAUV

Bob and Polly Givens are on a mission to inform small landowners-homesteaders of the advantages of CAUV.

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Protecting your farmland investment

In a skyrocketing farmland market, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re protected from the many liabilities that come from farmland ownership.

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Growing Tomorrow Grant to give entrepreneurs a leg up

The program is the brainchild of Mike and Patti Boyert, who are ready to help the next generation of young people get started in agriculture.

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Southeast Ohio Community Entrepreneurship Program

The free Entrepreneurship Bootcamp would benefit newer farmers and be helpful to anyone who caters to end consumers and has been in business for five years or less. Sessions start June 8.

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Good start: Farmer takes advantage of new program

Trevor German is the first beginning farmer to complete a transaction through the new Ohio Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Program.

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New Farmer Expansion Grant

A grant is available to new and beginning farmers in Trumbull County.

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Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast: Tips for Young and Beginning Farmers

There are things young and beginning farmers should think about before starting their farm business.

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Fortunate to see agricultural community growing

If you are thinking about starting a farm in 2024, or started one recently, here are a few tips to help you find success.

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Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast: Farm On Course for Beginning Farmers and an OHHA Update

A new online farm management course offered by Ohio State will help Ohio’s beginning farmers qualify for the requirements of the Ohio Beginning Farmer Tax Credit program.

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Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast: Ohio’s Beginning Farmer Tax Credit

The Beginning Farmer Tax Credit is now available to those who’ve recently entered the field, as well as those who help beginning farmers.

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