Young Ag Professionals
Leadership Events
These leadership experiences provide young ag professionals with the opportunity to grow and develop skills such as public speaking, networking, advocacy, and media relations. Above all, these experiences empower young farmers to share their agricultural story.
Winter Leadership Experience
Feb. 7-8, 2025 | Kalahari Resort, Sandusky
The Young Ag Professionals Winter Leadership Experience is an annual conference with the opportunity for young professionals to build personal and professional skills, network with agricultural leaders and learn to make a difference in their community, Farm Bureau and agriculture. Conference sessions cover topics ranging from traditional agriculture and niche farming/marketing to advocacy and consumer education topics.
Attendance at the Young Ag Professionals Leadership Experience is just one benefit of being an Ohio Farm Bureau member. If you are not yet a Farm Bureau member, learn more about membership or join now.
Washington, D.C. Leadership Experience
Young professionals with strong leadership potential are hand-selected each year to share their ideas with members of Congress and to learn about international agriculture and how to grow personally and professionally. The trip takes place each September and includes a visit with the young professional’s congressional representative, meeting with American Farm Bureau staff members for industry and issues updates, a behind-the-scenes look at how Washington really works, networking with other young professionals, and exploring a world view of agriculture during a visit to an embassy. Contact your county Farm Bureau if you are interested in the annual trip.
YF&R Conference
The American Farm Bureau hosts an annual leadership conference known that brings together members between the ages of 18 and 35 years old from around the country.
Ohio Farm Bureau sponsors five YAP members’ registration and travel to the conference. The 2025 conference will be held in Denver March 7-10. Sponsorship applications are closed.