Making your home, farm or business as energy efficient as possible can lead to more savings and a better bottom line. And as an exclusive member benefit, the Ohio Farm Bureau Energy Savings Program was created to help ensure members get the most competitive electric and natural gas supply prices in their area. The result? Lower rates, and ultimately the potential to lower your energy usage.
It starts with a free energy bill audit
There are 10 energy companies that service the state of Ohio. That leaves a lot of room for choice, a lot of room for price variation, and a lot of room to miss out on better savings. And in a time of tight margins, every penny counts. So, we take the guesswork out of it.
How the OFB Energy Savings Program works
- Complete this form to request a free analysis of your current electric or gas bill.
- Our program’s Community Energy Advisors will review your bills, verify your rate to make sure it’s consistent with your contract(s), and evaluate options for you to lock in a new fixed rate at a start date that works with your existing contract(s).
- The team will also explore if you could qualify for state or federal energy efficiency/energy generation grants and incentives (more on this below).
Other reasons to consider having your bill reviewed:
- Your usage has increased unexpectedly.
- Your monthly costs are going up.
- You do not know if you are in a fixed contract for electric or gas supply.
- You are getting calls from suppliers and are not sure what is the best fit
Program eligibility
Only members in the following utility regions can qualify for the energy bill audit:
- AEP Columbus Southern
- AEP Ohio Power
- CenterPoint Energy
- Columbia Gas of Ohio
- Dominion Energy
- Duke Energy
- Illuminating Company
- Ohio Edison
- Toledo Edison
Farm Bureau members who are served by energy cooperatives are already receiving discounts on pricing and are not eligible for the program.
Get access to grants that support your energy efficiency projects

When you submit your energy bill for audit, our advisors can also determine if your farm or rural business qualifies for Rural Energy for America Program grants or other funding to help offset the cost of implementing energy efficiency or renewable energy projects. If you do qualify, the Ohio Farm Bureau Energy Savings Program can be a trusted partner to guide you through every step of application to maximize your chances of receiving funding.
The potential impact
- Access funding to help offset the cost of a $20,000 LED light bulb upgrade project.
- Apply for a grant to cover 50% of the cost of a new $500,000 grain dryer.
Other equipment covered:
- Insulation
- Solar panels
- HVAC systems
- Sprinkler pumps
- Doors & windows
- Electric irrigation motors
- Cooling or refrigeration units
- And more
How to determine if you qualify for a grant
- Participate in a phone call with Viridi, the provider of our program’s efficiency and sustainability services, about your operation, electric systems and energy needs to identify projects of interest and discuss if REAP funding makes sense for your business.
- If you are unsure where to start, they can conduct an ASHRAE Energy Audit, which includes an energy bill analysis to identify major areas of inefficiency as well as a site visit to view primary electrical systems. You’ll receive a report detailing no- or low-cost changes as well as capital-required energy efficiency investments that could potentially qualify for federal and state energy grants.
- Apply for funds with the assistance of Viridi, who will submit on your behalf grant applications through REAP and/or other programs.
Access better energy savings with Ohio Farm Bureau
As a Farm Bureau member, you have easy access to energy analysis, education, protection – and ultimately better savings. Get started today with your free energy bill audit. Click the button below, or download, print and submit the second page of the flyer at the link below, along with your energy bills, to:
Mail: 2211 Medina Road, Ste. 200, Medina, Ohio 44256
Fax: 330-721-8111
To view the member-only details of this benefit you must be a member. Please log in to your account.
If you are not currently a member, please join the Ohio Farm Bureau.
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