Keith Shaffer is a resident of Perry, Ohio with his two daughters Addie and Brena, and his son Carson. Growing up in Painesville, he is a graduate of Riverside High School and the Auburn Career Center. He also served his country in the United States Marine Corps where he received training in motor transport.

Keith currently works at C.M. Brown Nurseries Inc. in Perry as a production manager. Although Keith did not live on a farm growing up, he now raises livestock for 4-H projects. He has been a Farm Bureau member for the past six years and has been part of the Lake County Farm Bureau Board for two years. He also is involved with the Lake County Wine Tour, Ice Cream Social as well as the Lake County Fair.

“(Farm Bureau) is a great organization to help the community and farmers,” he said.

We thank you for your service to our country as well as your dedication to Lake County Farm Bureau.

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