Rachel Heimerl of Johnstown is serving on the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation Policy Development Committee. The committee collects and organizes public policy recommendations from county Farm Bureaus and presents the final policy suggestions to be voted on by Ohio Farm Bureau’s delegates during the state annual meeting in December.  

In its initial session, the committee heard from government leaders, subject matter experts and Farm Bureau staff on topics such as the shortage of large animal veterinarians, Ohio’s fertilizer guidelines, managing nutrient loss, education policy, infrastructure funding, engagement in the Ohio Power Siting evaluation process, deer and wildlife management, abandoned railways and trails, land conservation programs and industrial hemp.

The policy committee consists of 10 members from Ohio Farm Bureau’s board of trustees and 10 representatives of county Farm Bureaus.   

Heimerl represents Licking County on the committee.

This is a news release for use by journalists. Questions should be directed to Joe Cornely, 614-246-8230.

Editors: A high resolution photo is available to accompany this story.

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