Making an impact: Safety program provides crucial grain rescue tools
Grain Bin Safety Week is Feb. 16-22, 2025 – Nominate your local fire department through April 30.
Read MoreThe summer council packet has two new discussion guides; both feature issues briefings directly from American Farm Bureau Federation policy. These topics should give community councils a few options for their meetings into late summer. Ohio Farm Bureau values input from community councils, which contribute to the grassroots policy making process for the organization.
Developments over the last two decades have drawn increased attention on the health of managed honey bees and how this may relate to pesticide use. Some activists have used reported honey bee declines to target pesticides (in particular a class of pesticides called neonicotinoids) as the principal cause of the decline in honey bees. They have called on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) to restrict neonicotinoids and/or suspend their registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).
Insect pollination is a vital component of U.S. agriculture. Economically, honey bees contribute more than an estimated $15 billion to the agricultural economy. At the same time, farmers depend on pesticides to help produce their crops efficiently and economically. Where can farmers “strike a balance” when it comes to this issue? Discussion guide and supporting materials
National Monument designations, under the Antiquities Act of 1906, are meant to ensure the proper care and management of historic landmarks and other objects of historic or scientific interest. In recent decades, Presidents of the United States from both parties have used the power of the Act that some say goes beyond the scale that Congress originally intended. What ramifications do you see if the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and/or the Wayne National Forest were given National Monument status? What does your group see as potential impacts,
positive or negative, on agriculture and local communities in the area? Discussion guide and supporting materials
Remember, participants are not limited to these materials – Feel free to discuss additional topics and issues generated from the local newspaper, other publications and/or key events happening in your neighborhood.
Need some additional help? Contact your county Farm Bureau office for assistance.
Councils can access the council roster, meeting summary sheet and activity sheet forms online.
Remember to send council meeting forms and correspondence directly to the county Farm Bureau.
Many of Farm Bureau’s action plans started with conversation around a kitchen table, living room or front porch; lively discussion continues to develop using web applications, too.
To join a community council, contact the county Farm Bureau office.
Grain Bin Safety Week is Feb. 16-22, 2025 – Nominate your local fire department through April 30.
Read MoreAll 13 policies that came from Ohio were passed on the AFBF delegate floor.
Read MoreBuckeye Local is pioneering a new standard in rural education innovation, merging physical infrastructure with curricular advancements to deepen students’ interest in agriculture and its extensive career options.
Read MoreOhio Farm Bureau Young Agricultural Professional Abby Campbell of Washington County is the winner of the 2025 American Farm Bureau Discussion Meet.
Read MoreOn Jan. 24, the Supreme Court issued an order granting a request by the government to allow enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) while litigation continues over the law.
Read MoreFollow the action as it’s happening in San Antonio on Ohio Farm Bureau social media channels: Facebook, YouTube, X and TikTok, using #AFBF25.
Read MoreJoin Ohio Farm Bureau for a free webinar Feb. 11 to discuss the recent increases in CAUV values, Registration is required.
Read MoreDr. Ron Hanson helps counsel farm families to resolve conflicts while helping the next generation assure their financial future. He is a featured speaker at the 2025 Winter Leadership Experience.
Read MoreOhio Farm Bureau Foundation recently added four new board members and elected officers of its 14-member board, which oversees the charitable, nonprofit organization.
Read MoreGrants support ag-related programming that enhances agricultural literacy efforts while creating pathways for young people to learn about ag careers.
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