Rinehart wins 2025 Ohio Farm Bureau Discussion Meet
Kameron Rinehart of Fayette County is the winner of Ohio Farm Bureau’s Young Agricultural Professionals 2025 Discussion Meet competition.
Read MoreThe winter council packet has two new discussion guides; both feature issues briefings directly from American Farm Bureau Federation policy. These topics should give community councils a few options for their meetings into late winter. Ohio Farm Bureau values input from community councils, which contribute to the grassroots policy making process for the organization.
Agricultural trade benefits American farmers and consumers. Exports enable farmers to sell goods into new markets, help them generate income and invest in their operations. Imports give consumers a greater variety of specialty products; they can buy staples such as fruits and vegetables throughout the entire year, too. U.S. agricultural exports worldwide are worth about $140 billion a year. The nation’s major Ag trading partners include Canada and Mexico ($39 billion), China ($20 billion), Japan ($14 billion) and the European Union ($12 billion). This Discussion Guide briefly details trade developments with each of these partners.
While some negotiations and agreements have eliminated policies that hindered trade over the past decade, additional work remains. In some cases, getting our trading partners to adopt to scientifically justified food safety procedures and/or eliminating ag products as a retaliatory, “first strike” tariff option is needed.
Additional information on this topic and discussion questions
Census data is used to determine legislative representation, government funding and benefits distribution, disaster assistance and private business development. In addition, Census workers have a harder time counting rural homes. Although residents will have the opportunity to participate in the count in person, by phone or over the Internet, an increasing reliance on electronic responses will be a challenge for many communities that lack reliable telecom and/or broadband infrastructure.
The 2020 Census provides opportunities for community leaders to play a greater role in helping residents participate in the 2020 Census. County Farm Bureaus are asked to lend active support to the Complete Count Committees (CCC) program.
Additional information on this topic and discussion questions
Remember, participants are not limited to these materials – Feel free to discuss additional topics and issues generated from the local newspaper, other publications and/or key events happening in your neighborhood.
Need some additional help? Contact your county Farm Bureau office for assistance.
Councils can access the council roster, meeting summary sheet and activity sheet forms online.
Remember to send council meeting forms and correspondence directly to the county Farm Bureau.
Many of Farm Bureau’s action plans started with conversation around a kitchen table, living room or front porch; lively discussion continues to develop using web applications, too.
To join a community council, contact the county Farm Bureau office.
Kameron Rinehart of Fayette County is the winner of Ohio Farm Bureau’s Young Agricultural Professionals 2025 Discussion Meet competition.
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