Manure Sidedressing, Ohio

As the famous saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention, and some water quality and nutrient management state laws were the drivers for the development of the Ohio Nutrient Management Record Keeper. ONMRK, as it can be found in both Google Play and the Apple Store, is a digital record-keeping system that syncs a smartphone or tablet to create a simple, easy and quick way to record fertilizer and manure applications from the field.

“This app has been a great asset for farmers to stay in compliance with two state regulations in place, including Senate Bill 1, which sets parameters on when farmers can apply nutrients based on the time of year and the weather conditions, and Senate Bill 150, which sets guidelines for record keeping of what nutrients are being applied and the rate of that application,” said Jordan Hoewischer, Ohio Farm Bureau director of water quality and research. “The data collected can only be accessed by the farmer and utilized for their own farm’s records and for proof of compliance if need be.”

The ONMRK app was developed by the Knox County Farm Bureau, Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District and OSU Extension Knox County, with the support of more than $30,000 in grant money through Ohio Farm Bureau’s County Water Quality Initiative Program, the Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Ohio State University Extension and the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District.

After setting up the ONMRK app on their mobile device, farmers can easily record what nutrients they apply on their farms and fields. It uses GPS to pinpoint exactly where farmers are on their acreage and give an accurate report instantly. The app also lets farmers know if conditions aren’t conducive for nutrient applications in that area.

The free app is available to all farmers at

Labor has always been an issue, mainly because we are a seasonal operation. So that's a challenge finding somebody who only wants to work three months out of a year, sometimes up to six months.
Mandy Way's avatar
Mandy Way

Way Farms

Farm Labor Resources
I appreciate the benefit of having a strong voice in my corner. The extras that are included in membership are wonderful, but I'm a member because of the positive impact to my local and state agricultural communities.
Ernie Welch's avatar
Ernie Welch

Van Wert County Farm Bureau

Strong communities
I see the value and need to be engaged in the community I live in, to be a part of the decision-making process and to volunteer with organizations that help make our community better.
Matt Aultman's avatar
Matt Aultman

Darke County Farm Bureau

Leadership development
Farm Bureau involvement has taught me how to grow my professional and leadership experience outside of the workforce and how to do that in a community-centric way.
Jaclyn De Candio's avatar
Jaclyn De Candio

Clark County Farm Bureau

Young Ag Professionals program
With not growing up on a farm, I’d say I was a late bloomer to agriculture. I feel so fortunate that I found the agriculture industry. There are so many opportunities for growth.
Jenna Gregorich's avatar
Jenna Gregorich

Coshocton County Farm Bureau

Growing our Generation
Knowing that horticulture is under the agriculture umbrella and having Farm Bureau supporting horticulture like it does the rest of ag is very important.
Jared Hughes's avatar
Jared Hughes

Groovy Plants Ranch

Groovy Plants Ranch
If it wasn't for Farm Bureau, I personally, along with many others, would not have had the opportunity to meet with our representatives face to face in Washington.
Austin Heil's avatar
Austin Heil

Hardin County Farm Bureau

Washington, D.C. Leadership Experience
So many of the issues that OFBF and its members are advocating for are important to all Ohioans. I look at OFBF as an agricultural watchdog advocating for farmers and rural communities across Ohio.
Mary Smallsreed's avatar
Mary Smallsreed

Trumbull County Farm Bureau

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