Allen County Fair Aug. 18-26

The 2023 Allen County Fair is just around the corner, and we need your help in order to make the Allen Co. Farm Bureau Food Stand a success!

Please call the county Farm Bureau office at 877-775-7642 to schedule your shift, sign up on SignUpGenius

OR use this QR Code… Allen County Fair Aug. 18-26


** Junior Fair Livestock Exhibitors: Wear your 2023 purple fair T-shirt to our Food Stand Saturday, Aug. 19 and receive a FREE small milkshake!

Other activities

TShirt Handout 
T-shirts will be handed out to 4-H and FFA livestock exhibitors at the Livestock Interviews Saturday, Aug. 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Kids Dream Day  Sunday, Aug. 20 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Allen County Farm Bureau invites kids of all ages to come drive a tractor with a local farmer. The child gets to take the driver’s seat and control of the steering wheel while the local farmer sits in the buddy seat next to them. This will take place during the fair on the track. Cost is FREE! and no RSVP is necessary.

For more information, contact county office 877-775-7642,, or Samantha Bluhm, organization director,




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