Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast: Soy’s Mad Scientist and an AFBF Recap
On this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast, learn about the latest experiments being conducted at the Airable Lab, with the support of Ohio Soybean Council.
Read MoreOn this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast, we visit the first stop on the Ohio Soybean Hometown Tour and visit with a teacher using resources from the soybean checkoff-funded GrowNextGen program.
Policy, agronomy, checkoff related issues and the latest artificial intelligence technology in action will all be a part of the Ohio Soybean Hometown Tour. On this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast, we visit the first stop on the statewide tour and visit with a teacher using resources from the soybean checkoff-funded GrowNextGen program.
On this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast, learn about the latest experiments being conducted at the Airable Lab, with the support of Ohio Soybean Council.
Read MoreThis summer’s ‘Experience Food Science: Field to Package’ workshop offered educators a close look at the intersection of agriculture, food science, and technology.
Read MoreHear about the latest SCN research, funded by the Ohio Soybean Council and how farmers can get free tests for their fields. Plus, get an update from Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association.
Read MoreLearn more about how the Ohio Soybean Council is working with trade teams from around the world to find demand for Ohio grown soybeans and why more farmers are looking into forming LLCs.
Read MoreFind out about the Airable Research Lab in Delaware that is providing research of soy-based materials to create new products, and learn about the AgriPOWER leadership development program and how to apply.
Read MoreLearn about the latest Ohio Soybean Council’s “See for Yourself” trip and find out about the new Our Ohio magazine that focuses on succession planning.
Read MoreLearn about the Ohio Soybean Council’s collaboration with soybean researchers at The Ohio State University to identifying smarter, safer ways to advance soybean production.
Read MoreOn this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast, Jolene Brown talks about having those tough conversations that could make or break a farms forward progress and Brandon Kern shares the long-term vision of the Soy Checkoff.
Read MoreLearn what Ohio soybean farmers found on a learning mission to Egypt and get details about an upcoming labor webinar focusing on the H2A program.
Read MoreFarmed alligators may soon revisit their vegetarian dietary roots, all thanks to the soybean checkoff.
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