Portage County Farm Bureau offers scholarships
Multiple scholarships are available. Apply by March 31, 2025.
Read MorePortage County Farm Bureau held two informational meetings to help members on their farms. The first meeting was held Feb. 21, 2024. This meeting provided a timber marketing presentation from the Ohio Division of Forestry, a look into oak wilt and how to treat your farm for this disease. County Auditor Matt Kelly provided a discussion and update on property taxes and the current agricultural use value (CAUV) program.
Our second meeting was held March 1, 2024 and we discussed cover crops on the farm. Our speakers included Dwight Clary from Clary Farms, LLC. He showcased how he has implemented a cover crop program on his farm and some of the dos and don’ts he has learned over the years. We then heard from Dr. Sarah Eichler from Kent State University as she discussed some of her studies on the use of cover crops in the area. She also showcased some great technology available for farmers to use on their farms. The last speaker was Cameron Mills from Mills Family Farms in Indiana. Cameron spoke to the group about how his farm implemented cover crops and how it has improved their yields over the years. He also talked about passing his farm on to the next generation and how he is helping his kids today.
We want to thank our partners for these events: Ohio Division of Forestry, Ohio Division of Wildlife, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Portage Soil & Water and Deerfield Ag Services. Our partners provided great information at these meetings.
All of this is made possible by use of our membership dollars in the county! Follow Portage County on Facebook for updates about future meetings.
Multiple scholarships are available. Apply by March 31, 2025.
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Read MoreFour $500 scholarships will be awarded to students who are graduating high school or currently enrolled in college.
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