Membership campaign

Thursday, Feb. 6, at 6 p.m.
AgCredit Lobby
1100 East Center Street, Marion

Marion County Farm Bureau invites you to join us as we kick off our membership campaign. Learn about the value of your Farm Bureau membership and what we have planned for 2025. Help your Farm Bureau to grow and thrive so we may continue our mission and support Ohio farmers and rural economies.

Dinner is included and reservations are due to the office by Jan.31. Call 419-747-7488 or email

Your membership supports programs that ensure the growth of Ohio food sources and farms. We help farmers protect their land, conserve soil and improve water quality. Your County Farm Bureau takes our commitment to agriculture and our community seriously.

  • Conduct programs to engage consumers and promote the agricultural community.
  • Host informational programs and safety events to help strengthen rural communities.
  • Support FFA students, local 4-H programs and the county fair.
  • Provide scholarships to help with education beyond high school.
  • Meet with local officials to keep them informed on issues in agriculture and our rural communities.

When you help recruit members, you help your Farm Bureau become even stronger. We need to grow our organization, so we may continue our mission and support Ohio farmers and rural economies. You will be supplied with materials so you can share your Farm Bureau story with friends and neighbors.

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