Five tips for open burning in Ohio

Many are unaware that open burning is regulated by the Ohio EPA under its air pollution abatement duties.

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Five things you should know about Ag Districts and Ag Security Areas

Ohio’s Ag Districts and Agricultural Security Areas are important programs that help preserve farmland in Ohio. Here are five things you should know about Ag Districts and Ag Security Areas.

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5 tips on Ohio drainage law

Water, and the ability to remove it, is extremely important to Ohio farmers. Ohio’s water law is somewhat limited, so Ohio Farm Bureau gives five tips to help you understand how water law works in Ohio.

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5 tips on Ohio’s dog laws for landowners

Most farms are home to one or more dogs that serve as both pet and employee. However, landowners also are acutely aware of the threat other trespassing dogs may pose to their livestock.

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Five tips on eminent domain situations

“Appropriation,” “eminent domain,” “condemnation” and “takings” are all terms that commonly refer to the government’s ability to take property for public use. However, there are limitations on this power from both the U.S. and Ohio Constitutions, as well as safeguards in the Ohio Revised Code, that protect landowners. Here are five important things to remember if you or your land becomes involved in an eminent domain situation.

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Five legal tips for oil and gas production on your property

Ohio has become an epicenter for oil and gas leasing and drilling activity. Many landowners are faced with leases and legal documents for resources they may not have realized existed on their property.

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