Editor’s Note: This is a column from OSU Extension, Trumbull County.

Hello Trumbull County.

Harvest is rolling on in the county and throughout the region following several dry stretches. The dry weather helps in many ways, mostly to dry the soil out to prevent stuck equipment, and it also helps dry down the crops themselves.

Soybeans will typically mature and dry down faster than corn, so as you drive around, you will see more soybean fields harvested at this point compared to corn. I would estimate that the soybean harvest is about 65 percent complete. There were many late-maturing beans (or double-crop) that were holding onto their leaves right up to our first frost that will still need to be harvested later this season.

There are a lot of early-maturing corn varieties that also have been harvested so far this year. Corn can take longer to dry down, but once it is dry on the stalk, it typically will not pick up too much more moisture from dew or light rain. Soybeans on the other hand could go from 13 percent moisture to 18 percent just from a heavy dew.

Harvesting wet grain will require drying in the grain bin with a fan, or with heat in a specially built grain drying system. Either of these options cost the farmer money in electricity or propane. Stored wet grain also will lead to spoilage and lower quality that will demand a lower price.

Last month, I talked about the shortage of grain storage in the Ohio. Higher-than-average yields for both corn and soybeans continue to put pressure on our storage infrastructure. Installing on-farm storage (or increasing current storage capacity) can be a costly expense, but depending on grain prices, marketing strategy and a farm’s plan, it may pay for itself within a couple of years. If you are considering the purchase of a grain bin, Kansas State and Iowa State have publications that will help you make your decision based on economics.

Welcome Andrew Holden

I am excited to announce that Andrew Holden has been hired as the new Ashtabula County Ag and Natural Resource Extension Educator. Andrew is a fourth-generation farmer from Pierpont and has a background in agronomy and farm business management. OSU Extension is excited to have Andrew as part of our NE Ohio team. You will see him at many of our events, so make sure to say “Hi” when you see him.

Upcoming events

OSU Extension Trumbull County, Trumbull SWCD and NRCS have teamed up to offer a Trumbull Farmer Lunch series this winter to provide hour-long educational sessions on a variety of topics. Our first lunch series will kick off 11:30 a.m. Dec. 4 as we learn about tax updates and how they affect farmers. You don’t have to be a farmer to get something useful from this program. David Marrison will be here to go over all the changes to the tax law. Cost for this program is $10 per person and includes lunch. Be sure to mark your calendars for the other upcoming events in this series, Jan. 8: Beef Quality Assurance; March 5: Climate Impacts for Ohio Agriculture; and April 2: Tillage and Soil Health. Each of these programs will be at the Trumbull County Ag and Family Education Center, 520 W. Main St., Cortland.

The Trumbull County Master Gardeners will continue to offer free evening programs this winter. The first of their “Wednesdays in the Classroom” series will be 6 p.m. Nov. 14 in the Ag Center conference room.

The topic of this class will be “Floral Arranging in Autumn Colors with Containers from Your House.”

For information about farming, gardening, the Master Gardener program, or any program, call OSU Trumbull County Extension Office at 330-638-6783 or visit their website. Don’t forget to check out and “Like” OSU Extension Trumbull County’s Facebook page for current programs and up to date information.

Submitted by Lee Beers, Extension educator, who can be reached by email or by calling 330-638-6738.

Labor has always been an issue, mainly because we are a seasonal operation. So that's a challenge finding somebody who only wants to work three months out of a year, sometimes up to six months.
Mandy Way's avatar
Mandy Way

Way Farms

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I appreciate the benefit of having a strong voice in my corner. The extras that are included in membership are wonderful, but I'm a member because of the positive impact to my local and state agricultural communities.
Ernie Welch's avatar
Ernie Welch

Van Wert County Farm Bureau

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I see the value and need to be engaged in the community I live in, to be a part of the decision-making process and to volunteer with organizations that help make our community better.
Matt Aultman's avatar
Matt Aultman

Darke County Farm Bureau

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Farm Bureau involvement has taught me how to grow my professional and leadership experience outside of the workforce and how to do that in a community-centric way.
Jaclyn De Candio's avatar
Jaclyn De Candio

Clark County Farm Bureau

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With not growing up on a farm, I’d say I was a late bloomer to agriculture. I feel so fortunate that I found the agriculture industry. There are so many opportunities for growth.
Jenna Gregorich's avatar
Jenna Gregorich

Coshocton County Farm Bureau

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Knowing that horticulture is under the agriculture umbrella and having Farm Bureau supporting horticulture like it does the rest of ag is very important.
Jared Hughes's avatar
Jared Hughes

Groovy Plants Ranch

Groovy Plants Ranch
If it wasn't for Farm Bureau, I personally, along with many others, would not have had the opportunity to meet with our representatives face to face in Washington.
Austin Heil's avatar
Austin Heil

Hardin County Farm Bureau

Washington, D.C. Leadership Experience
So many of the issues that OFBF and its members are advocating for are important to all Ohioans. I look at OFBF as an agricultural watchdog advocating for farmers and rural communities across Ohio.
Mary Smallsreed's avatar
Mary Smallsreed

Trumbull County Farm Bureau

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