Rural Road and ATV Safety
March 13, explore strategies to improve safety in the agricultural industry with Farm Bureau and Nationwide Agribusiness.
Read MoreTwo opportunities are available to fulfill the required training for Workers' Compensation Group Ratings members.
Each year, for your benefit, OFBF sponsors educational programs dealing with safety in the agriculture workplace. These programs are important for all Farm Bureau members and workers’ compensation employers in the program – large and small.
The Workers Compensation Group Rating Program is estimated to save members millions of dollars this year alone in workers’ compensation premiums. Members enrolled in Ohio Farm Bureau’s Workers’ Compensation Group Rating program are required to complete training (minimum two hours) each year.
One very important aspect of reducing workers’ compensation premiums, and to protect our Farm Bureau members, is to reduce the number of claims/accidents we have each year with every member doing their part to ensure a safe working environment for all employees.
On Aug. 27, Marion County Farm Bureau will co-host Operation Farm Shield in Evers Arena, Marion County Fairgrounds, Marion. Partners include OSU Extension – Marion County, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Atom/Thiel Electric, the Douce Agency and local fire departments. A light breakfast, sponsored by Cultivating Innovations, will be available between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.
From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., sessions will provide training on electrical safety and farm fires with hands-on demonstrations. There will be chances to win CO detectors, fire extinguishers, and smoke detectors as door prizes. Partners and sponsors include Atom/Thiel Electric, Cultivating Innovations, Douce Agency, 1st Consolidated Fire District/Pleasant Township Fire Department, Marion Area Safety Council, Marion County Farm Bureau, Marion Township Fire Department, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, OSU Extension – Marion County, S.A. Comunale and Survival Flight.
This event is free.Reservations are due Aug. 12. Click here, call Farm Bureau at 419-747-7488, or email [email protected].
On Sept. 10, Crawford County Farm Bureau will host a showing of Silo, the film at Buckeye Central High School, New Washington at 9 a.m.
SILO is the first ever feature film about grain entrapment. Disaster strikes in a small American farm town when a teenage boy becomes the victim of a grain entrapment. As corn becomes quicksand inside of a 50-foot silo, the town locals must put aside their deeply rooted differences to save him from drowning in the grain they harvest.
Reservations for this free event are due Aug. 31. Click here, call Farm Bureau at 419-747-7488, or email [email protected].
March 13, explore strategies to improve safety in the agricultural industry with Farm Bureau and Nationwide Agribusiness.
Read MoreOhio BWC safety consultants can help you identify potential hazards and develop a plan to eliminate them.
Read MoreGrain Bin Safety Week is Feb. 16-22, 2025 – Nominate your local fire department through April 30.
Read MoreWith an eye toward reducing the estimated 20,000 yearly agricultural fires in the United States, Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau Federation are offering members access to thermal imaging cameras.
Read MoreJoin us at the Lorain County JVS in Oberlin for a Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Safety Meeting. It will be held in Quarry Room B.
Read MoreGet tips on staying safe this winter from experts with the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation on this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast.
Read MoreFarms are complex operations with countless variables at play, many of which are beyond a farmer’s control.
Read MoreOhio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation offers five tips to help prevent slips, trips and falls—one of the top causes of workplace injuries.
Read MoreNationwide’s Grain Bin Safety campaign has awarded grain rescue tubes and training to 390 fire departments across 32 states since 2014.
Read MoreEach session highlighted new and innovative solutions, research, and information on the latest technology and strategies to protect farms and rural communities.
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