Ohio Farm Bureau county presidents travel to Washington, D.C. for annual advocacy trip
Over three days, participants will hear from experts and, in turn, voice their thoughts on topics as far reaching as the farm bill to trade to taxes.
Read MoreHappy Thanksgiving! Is it just me or doesn’t it seem like 2024 has flown by? How can November be over, already? As you read this, I hope you were able to gather with family and friends for a Thanksgiving celebration.
Most Americans, 88% of us, will eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Did you know that nearly 21% of the turkeys raised this year, approximately 46 million, will be on Thanksgiving tables?
Of the 216.5 million turkeys raised this year, the majority come from six states. Minnesota is the top producer with 40.5 million, followed by North Carolina with 30 million, Arkansas with 27 million, Indiana with 20.5 million, Missouri with 17 million, and Virginia with 14.5 million. Ohio didn’t make the top six but still contributes by raising 6.5 million turkeys annually.
U.S. farmers and processors provide turkey and turkey products for consumers year-round. But how do they meet this huge one-day demand? Meeting the holiday season demand is greatly aided by frozen storage. Without it, it would not be possible, but farmers also raise a variety of turkey to help them meet the holiday demand.
The largest and most commercially raised turkey in the U.S. is the Broad-Breasted White. They are very efficient growers converting feed to white breast meat in the shortest possible time.
There are also 13 recognized heritage turkey breeds that are commonly raised in the U.S. The hens (females) range in weight from 10 to 20 pounds, while the toms (males) average 16 to 30 pounds.
Bourbon Reds are noted for their beautiful red plumage and were first bred in the 1800s in Bourbon County, Kentucky. They are also considered one of the best-tasting breeds.
Originally from Rhode Island, Narragansett turkeys were the staple of the New England states.
The smallest of the heritage breeds is the Royal Palm. Because of its size, it is generally not grown commercially for meat production, but for exhibition. They are a beautiful bird with black and white plumage.
A relatively new breed is the Midget White, which was developed in the 1960s by researchers at the University of Massachusetts. They are a cross of Royal Palm and Broad-Breasted Whites and known for their deep, delicious flavor.
Beltsville Small Whites were developed in the 1930s and are about the same size as the Midget Whites, but with wider breasts. They are prolific layers and not very social compared to other breeds.
White Hollands were originally bred in Holland and migrated with early settlers to the colonies. These calm birds are the biggest of the heritage breeds.
Standard Bronze turkeys have been the most popular turkey in American history. They were originally a cross between the turkeys brought to the colonies by Europeans and the native wild turkeys of America.
The final breed is called a Black, sometimes called Black Spanish or Norfolk Black turkeys. This breed was domesticated from Mexican wild turkeys brought back to Europe by the first Spanish explorers who visited the New World.
As Thanksgiving kicks off the rest of this year’s holiday season, remember that there is always something you can be thankful for. For starters, the turkey farmers and processors who plan ahead so that we all can have a turkey for our Thanksgiving celebrations.
Submitted by Mary Smallsreed, a member of the Trumbull County Farm Bureau who grew up on a family dairy farm in northeast Ohio.
OFBF Mission: Working together for Ohio farmers to advance agriculture and strengthen our communities.
Over three days, participants will hear from experts and, in turn, voice their thoughts on topics as far reaching as the farm bill to trade to taxes.
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