High School classroom during a pandemic

It’s graduation time! A time of transition for graduating high school and college students to further their education or enter the workforce. It has been nearly four decades, but not quite, since I graduated from a high school that no longer exists with my fellow 63 classmates. Then I headed to the big city of Columbus to The Ohio State University. I have to say, coming from rural northeastern Ohio, it was quite the shock.

With thoughts of graduation and upcoming college careers, I recalled a conversation with a more recent graduate of OSU. He also came from a farming family but began his college career at the OSU Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI) and then transferred to the main campus in Columbus for years three and four. We talked about the similarities we experienced and the differences, too. But what really stuck with me from this conversation was Aaron’s strong belief that colleges and universities should include agriculture as one of the “gen ed” requirements for graduation.

Gen ed, or general education requirement, or some schools call it “core,” is required curriculum that makes up the foundation of an undergraduate degree. Every university crafts its own gen ed requirements. Common gen ed areas include English composition, foreign language, natural sciences, arts and humanities, math and social sciences. More colleges are adding health, P.E., and diversity and inclusion requirements. How many classes does a student need to graduate? Depends on your major, but I looked up the requirements for a bachelor’s degree at Kent State University at Trumbull. There are 120 hours of coursework required, of which were 36 hours of “Kent Core.”

The goal of gen eds is to broaden college students’ perspectives. So even if you are not a math major, chances are you will still need to take a math class and hopefully it will be useful to you down the road. Well, the way Aaron and I think, agriculture courses would make a great gen ed.

People need food every day. Learning how agriculture has developed in this country and how it is able to grow and change to keep feeding more people than ever is very valuable. But proceed with caution. Who will teach these classes? In the wrong hands, more harm could be caused than good. I remember taking a class to fill a gen ed requirement — a women’s study course. My roommate had taken it the quarter before me and enjoyed it immensely. My experience was quite different. I got a different teacher who was bent on pushing a personal agenda on her captive audience. My fear is some would do the same and just use it as an opportunity to bash agriculture instead of building an appreciation for the industry that sustains them.

Agriculture gen eds could be great, but it is a huge challenge. Even if you had the right curriculum and the right teacher, how do you get today’s students interested in agriculture? The only class that I can remember that drew students to ag campus, west of the Olentangy River, was the wine appreciation class offered by the horticulture department. It was hard to get into this class.

Part of the answer is to not wait until students get to college. Ag education is something Farm Bureau is very passionate about. Ashtabula County Farm Bureau and OSU Extension just completed their annual Ag Day event where every first grader in the county participated in hands-on interactive stations learning about everything from farm animals, soils, fruits and vegetables, bees and much more. Ag Explore! I can’t say enough good things about this program. What an awesome opportunity for teens to learn about various aspects of agriculture and career opportunities.

No matter the age of the student, we at Farm Bureau will continue to strive to provide opportunities to learn about and appreciate agriculture.

Submitted by Mary Smallsreed, a member of the Trumbull County Farm Bureau and grew up on a family dairy farm in northeast Ohio.


OFBF Mission: Working together for Ohio farmers to advance agriculture and strengthen our communities.

The issue of property taxation remains as one of the biggest challenges our members face today. Ensuring agricultural property is valued for its agricultural potential and not development is critical to the continued success of Ohio agriculture.
Matt Aultman's avatar
Matt Aultman

Darke County Farm Bureau

Giving farmers a voice
The plan we are on is great. It’s comparable to my previous job's plan, and we are a sole proprietor.
Kevin Holy's avatar
Kevin Holy

Geauga County Farm Bureau

Ohio Farm Bureau Health Benefits Plan
We really appreciate what Farm Bureau has done to get people interested in this line of work and workforce development and getting people interested in this industry.
Jody Brown Boyd's avatar
Jody Brown Boyd

Brown's Family Farm Market

Finding farm labor
I appreciate the benefit of having a strong voice in my corner. The extras that are included in membership are wonderful, but I'm a member because of the positive impact to my local and state agricultural communities.
Ernie Welch's avatar
Ernie Welch

Van Wert County Farm Bureau

Strong communities
We work terrifically with the Ashtabula County Farm Bureau, hosting at least one to two outreach town hall events every year to educate new farmers and existing farmers on traditional CAUV and woodlands.
David Thomas's avatar
David Thomas

Ashtabula County Auditor

CAUV: Past, present and future
Because we are younger farmers just starting out, Farm Bureau has a lot of good opportunities and resources to help us grow in the future.
Hannah Kiser's avatar
Hannah Kiser

Sandusky County Farm Bureau

Farm Bureau involvement
Through the Select Partner program, we became educated in farm insurance and weren't just selling policies. It became more and more clear why farmers need an advocate like Ohio Farm Bureau.
Chad Ruhl's avatar
Chad Ruhl

Farm manager, CSI Insurance

Select Partner Program
So many of the issues that OFBF and its members are advocating for are important to all Ohioans. I look at OFBF as an agricultural watchdog advocating for farmers and rural communities across Ohio.
Mary Smallsreed's avatar
Mary Smallsreed

Trumbull County Farm Bureau

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