Five tips for open burning in Ohio

Many are unaware that open burning is regulated by the Ohio EPA under its air pollution abatement duties.

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Helping members make the most of successful CAUV reforms

Property tax bills are reaching mailboxes again, and in counties reassessed in 2017 landowners are already seeing the impacts of…

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General property tax information

It is helpful to have your property tax bill handy for this explanation of general property tax information and how…

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Legal Update: Important legal clarity gained for Farm Bureau members

Ohio Farm Bureau staff continues to stay involved in legal issues that affect Farm Bureau members, especially as it involves…

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Q& A about trees and property rights

Ohio laws address a variety of issues including overhanging tree limbs and trimming neighbor’s trees. The best practice is to work cooperatively with neighbors to address concerns you may have about the trees on
 or near your property lines.

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Five things you should know about Ag Districts and Ag Security Areas

Ohio’s Ag Districts and Agricultural Security Areas are important programs that help preserve farmland in Ohio. Here are five things you should know about Ag Districts and Ag Security Areas.

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An explanation of Ohio’s tax rates, millage

Ohio law allows for property taxes to be assessed on only 35 percent of the property’s value. Therefore, to determine the taxable value, you could multiply your appraised value by 0.35 to determine the value to which the tax rate will actually be applied.

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Five Tips on Drainage Law

Water, and the ability to remove it, is extremely important to Ohio farmers. Ohio farmers are often encountering issues with the water on their property. Ohio’s water law is somewhat limited, so Ohio Farm Bureau’s Director of Agricultural Law Leah Curtis gives five tips to help you understand how water law works in Ohio.

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What you need to know about landowner liability, trespassing laws

One problem we consistently hear about from Farm Bureau members is trespassing. Here are five things to know about Ohio’s trespassing and landowner liability laws.

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What you should know about zoning and land use

Important statutory protections limit the reach of local zoning to agricultural land in certain circumstances. Here are a few things to know about zoning and land use.

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