Ag Innovation

Recently, food and agriculture groups released the sixth annual Feeding the Economy report, a historic farm-to-fork economic analysis revealing how these sectors influence local and the broader United States economies. The report shows that 1.5 million jobs in Ohio are tied to food and agriculture and those industries add over $10 billion to the state’s bottom line annually. As those numbers continue to grow, so does the need for improved and additional infrastructure and the recruitment of more workers into these career paths. JobsOhio is a major part of those efforts and on this Our Ohio Weekly, I visit with the organization’s Senior Director of Food & Agribusiness Tim Derickson.

Our Ohio Weekly · Innovation and Investment in Ohio Agriculture

00:00 – Tim Derickson, Senior Director of Food & Agribusiness at JobsOhio, shares the agency’s mission and a recent study about Innovation and Infrastructure in Ohio.

23:50 – On this “To the Beat of Agriculture,”  hear from the representative of the 13th District, Jerry Lahmers. He represents Ohio Farm Bureau members in Carroll, Harrison, Jefferson and Tuscarawas counties on the organization’s state board of trustees. Learn about his family roots in Newcomerstown and the one goal he hopes to achieve in a 50-year career.

32:20 – Launched in 2015, the Farm Bureau Ag Innovation Challenge was the first national business competition of its kind focused exclusively on rural entrepreneurs. It is a national business competition that showcases U.S. startups developing innovative solutions that address challenges facing America’s farmers, ranchers and rural communities. Emma Larson, Director, Industry Relations for American Farm Bureau, has the details.

42:20 – After the major news of Intel building a massive technology plant in Licking County, “progress” is making its way deeper in rural areas of Ohio. That has spurred some conversations about how future economic development projects will look, and some are wondering if eminent domain will play a role in finding the land resources for those projects. Ohio Farm Bureau Policy Counsel Leah Curtis talks about economic development and eminent domain.

To grow a network and gain perspective and knowledge in the industry through personal and professional development has been invaluable. Every day I learn and grow.
Ryanna Tietje's avatar
Ryanna Tietje

Henry County Farm Bureau

Farm Bureau connections
The issue of property taxation remains as one of the biggest challenges our members face today. Ensuring agricultural property is valued for its agricultural potential and not development is critical to the continued success of Ohio agriculture.
Matt Aultman's avatar
Matt Aultman

Darke County Farm Bureau

Giving farmers a voice
Farm Bureau is what really got the word out. It’s been one of their goals to get this done.
Bill and Charlotte Wachtman's avatar
Bill and Charlotte Wachtman

Henry County

10-year campaign for safer roads
I could not have done it without the resources I have found through Farm Bureau.
Gretchan Francis's avatar
Gretchan Francis

Trumbull County Farm Bureau

Bringing the farm back to life
Because we are younger farmers just starting out, Farm Bureau has a lot of good opportunities and resources to help us grow in the future.
Hannah Kiser's avatar
Hannah Kiser

Sandusky County Farm Bureau

Farm Bureau involvement
Through the Select Partner program, we became educated in farm insurance and weren't just selling policies. It became more and more clear why farmers need an advocate like Ohio Farm Bureau.
Chad Ruhl's avatar
Chad Ruhl

Farm manager, CSI Insurance

Select Partner Program
So many of the issues that OFBF and its members are advocating for are important to all Ohioans. I look at OFBF as an agricultural watchdog advocating for farmers and rural communities across Ohio.
Mary Smallsreed's avatar
Mary Smallsreed

Trumbull County Farm Bureau

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