Olivia Krumwiede

Olivia Krumwiede of Wakeman, Ohio, is one of 14 farmers and agribusiness professionals selected to participate in Ohio Farm Bureau’s 2023-2024 AgriPOWER Institute.

AgriPOWER is a program of Ohio Farm Bureau and designed for farmers and agribusiness professionals. It focuses on public issues that are relevant to the food industry such as consumer relations, regulations, energy and trade policies. In AgriPOWER, individuals develop the skills necessary to become effective leaders and advocates for agriculture by learning from experts in these fields. 

Krumwiede is employed as secretary of Wakeman Congregational Church, and is the self-described “farm support specialist” for her family. Her husband is a fifth-generation farmer who farms 3,500 acres with his dad. The family also has about 80 head of beef cattle. She also coordinates direct-to-consumer beef sales. Krumwiede is a big supporter of 4-H and serves as a Cloverbud advisor, among other volunteer roles. 

“AgriPOWER XIV is poised to provide these budding leaders with a remarkable chance to delve into the intricate challenges that Ohio agriculture faces, all while fine-tuning their abilities as powerful advocates for the industry,” said Melinda Witten, director of AgriPOWER. “We eagerly look forward to witnessing the transformative journey these participants will embark upon as they engage with the AgriPOWER program.”

One of the sessions will take place in Washington, D.C. to give participants a better understanding of national and global issues, and an out-of-state session will help them learn about the differences and similarities in agriculture outside of Ohio.

Partnering with Ohio Farm Bureau on AgriPOWER Class XIV are Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation, Ohio Soybean Council, Farm Credit Mid-America, AgCredit, Legacy Farmers Cooperative, Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association, Certified Angus Beef, Stark County Farm Bureau, PBS Animal Health and United Producers Inc.  

For additional information about AgriPOWER, visit ofb.ag/agripower.

This is a news release for use by journalists. Questions should be directed to Ty Higgins, 614-246-8231 or thiggins@ofbf.org.

Editors: A high-resolution photo of Olivia Krumwiede is available for download.

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