Growing our Generation: Collegiate Farm Bureau
Growing our Generation enewsletter features insights and ideas directly from Ohio’s young farmers and food and agricultural professionals. Sign up…
Read MoreBrown was the keynote speaker at the 2024 Winter Leadership Experience for Ohio Young Ag Professionals. Her focus is on helping families learn what it takes to transition the farm to the next generation.
Growing our Generation enewsletter features insights and ideas directly from Ohio’s young farmers and food and agricultural professionals. Sign up to get this e-letter sent directly to your inbox once a month.
The 2024 Winter Leadership Experience may have come to end but the leadership development, industry knowledge and connections attendees gained from the conference will be invaluable throughout their careers.
Jolene Brown, a professional speaker, author and farmer, led a workshop about communication and conflict, fair and equal, entitlement and transition that provided laughter, appreciation and valuable lessons for those in family business. Hear from Jolene Brown:
Describe the path that led you to where you are today in your career.
I’ve been a professional speaker for three decades, bringing humor, hope and helpful ideas to the people of agriculture. At the beginning of my career, agriculture in the Heartland was in the midst of extreme challenge and change.Interest rates had reached 20% and land value crashed, devaluating individual net worths by 67%. Bankruptcy, foreclosure, suicide, and murder were the haunting words traveling our country roads. Because of my insight, talents, heart and calling, it was my goal to help build an “internal bank account” when the external one is gone. Since then, speaking topics have morphed, but always with a focus on the “humanside” of agriculture. As a real “Farmer Brown” and working at many ag events, it was obvious that we farmers, ranchers, and growers have many opportunities to learn about the production of agriculture. We learn about weeds, seeds, breeds, feeds, money, machinery, and marketing. Yet it is the people that do all of that production. And because our operations are most often generational businesses, my focus is building a family business worthy of transitioning, and learning what it takes to transition to the next generation. I so enjoy wrapping the important take-home value with interaction, template tools, humor and lots of real life stories. Also, as a keynote speaker, I specialize in opening, closing or banquet keynotes that bring laughter, appreciation and deserved celebration.
Why do you feel it’s important to speak/attend conferences such as the Winter Leadership Experience?
Something magical happens when we gather with peers walking a similar journey. Our learning expands, our networks grow and the laughter, well it just bubbles out. The experience of attending an event like the Winter Leadership Experience gives a break in the busyness of our work. It creates a time to laugh and learn as we refresh, renew, and restore ourselves.
What do you hope attendees took away from your session?
My topic for the Winter Leadership Experience is, “If We Huff and Puff, Will We Blow Your House Down?”
Some of the objectives include:
Van Wert County, farmer and a part-time ag technology specialist with Precision Agri Services.
I chose this session because it is difficult to try to take charge of planning the succession of the farm. Jolene is a phenomenal speaker that made the two hours we had with her feel like 10 minutes. I could listen to her speak for hours on end. She brings a refreshingly honest and businesslike approach to solving the ever evolving battle between successful farms, and dicey family dynamics. The biggest piece she presented and drove home was that we have to make decisions for our farms that are business smart, not family oriented as agriculture has a tendency to do. Not to say that family is not important, but agriculture likes to romanticize the family business and it’s treated more as a family than a business, which tends to lead to disputes, disruption, and the demise of the farm. The first step is to put in place vital business documents and practices that are commonplace in almost all industries. I believe I now have a strategy to take home and to implement little by little to make the farm a more standardized business for ease of things down the road and its daily operation.
Hardin County, owner/operator of Copper Windmill Farms LLC and director of grain purchasing and risk management at a local cooperative.
I chose to attend Jolene Brown’s session because my husband and I are in the thick of succession planning from both ends, from having conversations with his parents about our future involvement and growth in ownership with the family farm to creating our own legacy and thinking strategically about how we want to set up our children for success if they choose to be involved in the farming operation.
I’ve participated in multiple other succession planning sessions and workshops but very much appreciated Jolene’s tactical approach and hands on prep work that my husband and I are able to take back and implement on our own operation. One of our key takeaways is that we must first get our house in order before we have the right to ask his parents. Jolene was quick to remind us that it won’t all come together overnight, but to continue making that intentional chose to start somewhere and keep making progress little by little. It adds up! We very much appreciated Jolene’s kind words of encouragement and feel more empowered to keep our operation moving forward with resilience and purpose.
The Winter Leadership Experience may be over but there are several other opportunities to get involved with Ohio Farm Bureau’s Young Agricultural Professionals this year. Click Learn more about how you can make a difference in your community, Farm Bureau and agriculture.
Congratulations to the 2024 Young Agricultural Professionals contest winners:
Discussion Meet: Abby Campbell, Washington County
Excellence in Agriculture: Sara Tallmadge, Ashland County
Outstanding Young Farmer: Catherine Wolcott, Geauga County
These three ladies will represent Ohio at the American Farm Bureau Annual Convention in San Antonio in January 2025.
ExploreAg Camp applications available for 2024
ExploreAg is Ohio Farm Bureau’s signature ag literacy and workforce development program, and offers FREE week, multi-day and day-long immersion programs for high-school students. Applications open Feb. 1 and are due April 15, 2024.
Growing our Generation enewsletter features insights and ideas directly from Ohio’s young farmers and food and agricultural professionals. Sign up…
Read MoreDr. Ron Hanson helps counsel farm families to resolve conflicts while helping the next generation assure their financial future. He is a featured speaker at the 2025 Winter Leadership Experience.
Read MoreThe people you will meet, the experiences you gain will guide you for years to come, and the knowledge learned and networking will help you lead boards and communities.
Read MoreState Committee members assist with creating educational and leadership development programs for Ohio Farm Bureau’s Young Agricultural Professionals, specifically the Winter Leadership Experience, each year.
Read MoreBethany Schappacher, a Clinton County Farm Bureau member, and her family own Schappacher Farms, a 50-acre pumpkin farm featuring a corn maze, hayrides, fall treats and other family activities.
Read MoreMeet Abby Campbell, Sara Tallmadge, and Catherine Wolcott – Ohio’s Young Ag Professionals contestants who will compete at the American Farm Bureau Annual Convention in San Antonio.
Read MoreGrowing our Generation enewsletter features insights and ideas directly from Ohio’s young farmers and food and agricultural professionals. Sign up…
Read MoreThis year, the Land and Living Exhibit will be merging with the Little Farmers Exhibit to ensure that Ohio Farm Bureau and agriculture still have a presence outside of the livestock barns.
Read MoreAllowing people a sneak-peek into our farm is a way to break negative stigmas. ~ Mackenzie Deetz
Read MoreLearn more about how Jakob Wilson, a fourth-generation farmer, embraces the importance of generational differences in their farming operation while implementing new technologies to increase efficiency.
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