Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast: Estate Tax and Farm Income Outlooks
Get a 2025 estate tax outlook and find out what the farm income outlook for this year on this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast.
Read MoreFamily matters can get messy, especially when a new member joins that family. How are those details ironed out and why is the process so important? Learn more about that and Ohio electricity's future on this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast.
They say never mix family and business, but sometimes in agriculture that is easier said than done. Family matters can get messy, especially when a new member joins that family. What are they entitled to, how are those details ironed out, and why is the process so important? We cover that with Wright & Moore on this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast. Plus, power needs are increasing, and power resources are becoming more diverse. What does that mean for energy use in rural Ohio and beyond in the near and distant future? The next leader of Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives weighs in with his thoughts.
Get a 2025 estate tax outlook and find out what the farm income outlook for this year on this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast.
Read MoreAn attorney from Wright and Moore discusses what he thinks is missing from farmland lease termination law and what members voted to do about it.
Read MoreTo ensure that your farm and family receive competent guidance, proactive scheduling will be critical in the early part of 2025.
Read MoreFamily matters can get messy, especially when a new member joins that family. How are those details ironed out and why is the process so important? Learn more about that and Ohio electricity’s future.
Read MoreMaking legal plans before a new farm partnership of any kind starts is the topic of discussion with Wright and Moore for this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast.
Read MoreWhy are “Legal Deserts” a problem and what is being done to give rural Ohioans more legal representation? Find out on this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast from experts at Wright and Moore.
Read MoreTwo of the major trends playing out in Ohio are energy-related development, as well as reshoring of manufacturing, of which Intel is just the highest-profile example.
Read MoreGet an update on the real estate picture in rural Ohio from Wright and Moore and find out why a new farm bill is a priority for Sunrise Cooperative and its members.
Read MoreThe new Corporate Transparency Act requires that millions of businesses, including many farms and agribusinesses, report their ownership to the Department of Treasury.
Read MoreThe use of your personal information by criminals is a scary proposition. Like other areas of risk assessment, take a look at your exposure and determine if protective steps are necessary.
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