2024 Ohio Young Agricultural Professionals new committee

As the season changes, Ohio Farm Bureau transitions into the events and conferences portion of the year. The Young Agricultural Professionals Committee, a committee composed of young industry professionals who assist with creating educational programs, is currently gearing up for the 2025 Winter Leadership Experience. The committee is excited to open the doors to members of all ages for an opportunity to network with like-minded people from across the state. 

Meet the oncoming committee members who will be assisting with the 2025 conference and planning the 2026 conference. 

Bill and Katherine Brown, Stark County 

What are you looking forward to the most about serving on the YAP State Committee?

Ben and Katherine Brown
Bill and Katherine Brown

Working in agriculture requires a lot of dedication, hard work, and passion to overcome the constant challenges we all experience on a daily basis. Our involvement in Ohio Farm Bureau’s YAP program has allowed us to connect with other inspiring individuals across the state who are forging their own paths in agriculture. We’ve made so many valuable connections and lifelong friendships through YAP, so being able to help create opportunities where we all can continue to exchange knowledge, ideas, and shared experiences to help each other grow is the thing we most look forward to about serving on the committee. 

How has being part of Ohio Farm Bureau’s Young Agricultural Professionals helped you get to where you are today in life and/or your career? 

Being part of Ohio Farm Bureau’s Young Agricultural Professionals has greatly impacted our personal and professional growth, both on and off the farm. Through networking, leadership development, and hands-on opportunities, we’ve gained a long list of valuable skills, connections, and friendships that have shaped us into better stewards of not only the land and livestock, but also our communities and industry. Bill’s favorite YAP experience has been the Washington, D.C. Leadership Experience where he learned how our grassroots efforts at the farm gate translate into meaningful ag policy that impacts our family’s dairy and grain farm. On the other hand, Katherine’s favorite YAP experience has been Discussion Meet, which has helped her sharpen her communication and collaboration skills that she uses in solving challenges and fostering strong partnerships with ag retailers in her role as a partnership manager for AgVend. Additionally, our involvement in YAP has given us a deeper appreciation for the broader agricultural landscape beyond Stark County and the importance of staying informed on industry policy. Ultimately, YAP has empowered us with the confidence and voice to continue to grow the legacy of our family’s farm, while also ensuring we take an active role in shaping the future of agriculture for future generations to come. 

Blake and Abby Campbell, Washington County 

What are you looking forward to the most about serving on the YAP State Committee?

Blake and Abby Campbell
Blake and Abby Campbell

We are most looking forward to networking with other young agriculturists across the state. It can feel isolating at times in rural communities, so having this group of people who are facing similar challenges and have great ideas is not only encouraging but also motivating. We are also looking forward to expanding our involvement in our home county and programming for other Young Ag Professionals.

How has being part of Ohio Farm Bureau’s Young Agricultural Professionals helped you get to where you are today in life and/or your career? 

Throughout our careers as agricultural educators, we have made use of our relationship with the Ohio Farm Bureau for professional development both for ourselves and our students. Ohio Farm Bureau has allowed for us to gain skills that we use in the classroom, and allowed us to connect with the larger agricultural community. It has also helped us continually improve our own agricultural operation and how we market and share products with consumers. 

Josh Ison, Clermont County 

What are you looking forward to the most about serving on the YAP State Committee?

2024 Josh Ison
Josh Ison

I am looking forward to serving on the State YAP Committee for many reasons, especially the opportunity to help plan future Winter Leadership Experience events. This conference has been something I look forward to each year for its valuable networking opportunities and potential for personal and professional growth. I’m excited to give back to the organization by creating inspiring new experiences for the next generation of Young Agricultural Professionals.

How has being part of Ohio Farm Bureau’s Young Agricultural Professionals helped you get to where you are today in life and/or your career? 

The Ohio Farm Bureau’s Young Agricultural Professionals organization has been an invaluable source of support and inspiration for me in recent years. After spending much of my college and early career out of state and abroad, it was refreshing to reconnect with Ohio’s agricultural community through this organization.

Hannah Thompson, Athens-Meigs County 

What are you looking forward to the most about serving on the YAP State Committee?

Hannah Thompson
Hannah Thompson

I am most looking forward to creating friendships with other like-minded agriculturalists. Expanding my horizons and cultivating relationships, while also developing myself professionally, is exciting. I also love creating connections and finding opportunities that I can take back to my students and help expose them to the opportunities Farm Bureau can provide for them after high school and college!

How has being part of Ohio Farm Bureau’s Young Agricultural Professionals helped you get to where you are today in life and/or your career? 

Getting involved with Ohio Farm Bureau YAP programming has been so beneficial in my life and career. I have met so many people that I can now consider friends, and I have been able to network and make connections that are beneficial in my career. Not only have I made connections that help me personally, I have also been able to make connections that have provided opportunities for my students and my program at school. I am thankful for the community Farm Bureau, and specifically the Young Agricultural Professionals, has provided me. I’m excited to see how I can continue to grow and meet more people through this journey! 

More information about  the new committee members can be found here. 

The committee is enthusiastic about starting to plan the 2026 leadership experience and are looking forward to networking with members and industry leaders at Kalahari Conventions and Resorts Feb. 7-8, 2024. 

Deadlines and upcoming events

ExploreAg Camp staff applications due Dec. 4. Apply here

Outstanding Young Farmer applications due Dec. 20 at 5 p.m. Apply here. 

Excellence in Agriculture applications due Dec. 20 at 5 p.m. Apply here.

American Farm Bureau YF&R Conference scholarship applications due Dec. 20. Apply here.

2025 Winter Leadership Experience Registration closes Jan 21. Register here.

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