Mike Hannewald

Mike Hannewald is vice president of the Lucas County Farm Bureau Board of Trustees. Hannewald has had great success within Ohio Farm Bureau and even snagged the title of the American Farm Bureau Federation Young Ag Professionals Discussion Meet winner in 2022. His national award isn’t the only reason Hannewald is happy to be a member. 

 “I’m a Farm Bureau member for two main reasons: advocacy and networking. As a farmer with a full-time, off-farm job, I don’t have time to pay attention to every detail of what is happening in Columbus or Washington that may affect our farm. Farm Bureau does that and advocates for public policy on my behalf.

“As a member, I’m kept informed of what is going on, and I have even had the chance to travel to meet with lawmakers and tell our story directly to them, helping to influence their decisions. In addition, the Farm Bureau offers many opportunities to meet others and grow your network. It isn’t easy to be a young farmer navigating the challenges of running and growing a farm business. I’ve met many Farm Bureau members from Ohio and beyond who have been valuable resources with which to share advice in overcoming those challenges, and many of those connections have also become good friends.”  -Mike Hannewald

If you are looking for an experience similar to Hannewald’s, click here to join today! 

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