All the flavor of stuffed peppers in a soup.

All the flavor of stuffed peppers in a soup.
This sweet, crisp pepper salad requires refrigeration 1 hour prior to serving.
Allow 7 to 9 hours cooking time for this recipe.
Cook pork to an internal temperature of 160 degrees F, this holds true for roasts, tenderloin and pork chops.
Make sure you allow the pork to rest in the refrigerator after you add the rub.
Allow this recipe to simmer for 1 hour. When buying pork, look for an even pink color, little fat marbling and a thin rim of fat around the edge of the meat.
This recipe will need to cook for 3 1/2 to 6 hours.
Since pork is such a mild flavored meat, it combines well with many different flavors and cuisines.
If you’re looking for something different, try this delicious bread recipe.
Try this refreshing rhubarb recipe at your next gathering.
This simple rhubarb recipe is great served warm and topped with whipped cream or ice cream.
Rhubarb is often mistaken to be a fruit; it is actually a close relative of garden sorrel, and is therefore a member of the vegetable family.